I am...A Gay Catholic
I am
A gay Catholic
A gay Catholic
You say?
Can you please
What’s there
To even explain
I’m Catholic
And I’m gay
But they don’t
Belong together
Not in the same sentence
Not in the same title
Well, it’s there
It’s been said
It’s floating
In the air
Hold up
Pause and rewind
How can you follow
This outdated faith
When you’re gay
Because doesn’t it
Explicitly tell
That you’ll be in Hell
I’ll rewind further
To my early adolescents
When that same question
Plagued my spirits
How can I love a women
Is it worth the flames
Does God even love me
Should I even stay
On this earth
On this plane
When at the end of my life
I’ll just end below
That’s what I’m saying
So how can you put
Your rainbow
Beside the Crucifix
My Crucifix
Is painted
In my colors
In my flamboyance
My sexuality
Yes is my burden
Because I’m finding
Some kind of balance
Between my voice
And the voice of others
The voice of Satan
And the voice of God
What do these
Different tones
Have anything to say
When it comes to you
Being Catholic
And a gay
It distinguishes
What the truth is
And if it’s another’s faith
That I’m living
Or my own
Through God alone
Answer me this
Just one little question
Have you always had
You faith this rooted
No, I haven’t
And I still don’t
From the moment
I stood in the bathroom
My heart racing
My veins constricting
Not aware
Of the truth filling
My trembling lungs
As a stumbling whisper
Through collapsed throat
Came out
“I am gay”
Why do this
Why go through it
Why not toss this cross
Live your life
Free of chains
Unweighed by expectations
Lifted from opinions
And truly enjoy
A gay day
If you didn’t
Follow this faith
I love being Catholic
I’ll sit in church
With my fingers interlaced
With this beautiful thing
That I call my girl
With my other hand
Raised to God
Praying for guidance
To understand love
Yes, people will talk
And they’ll say things
That hurt
Sitting in a classroom
While students snicker
And your teacher
Just shakes his head
Doesn’t exactly build
And when I’m alone
Voices spin
In my very being
And critique everything
Every thought
Every emotion
And every action
I feel invalid eyes
Judging me
Telling me
That there’s no one
Out there for me
That the colors in my heart
Coursing through my veins
That brought me relief
In the darkness
Need to remain there
In my blood
And not on her lips
Not on her skin
And especially
Not in the church
Not on the Crucifix
But I’ll be blunt
I may be gay
But I am loved
My community supports me
I am not a sin
There is no sin in love
No sin in me
There is some controversy
That I’m sorting through
Facing chastity
Having a taboo wedding
Is making love truly love
Or is it giving into lust
But my rainbow is beautiful
And He thinks so too
So yes,
I am a Catholic
And I am gay
And together
I’m a flamboyant
Jesus loving follower
Think what you want
But I’m finally proud
And content
In being a gay Catholic