One Girl
I am not defined by the way I look.
Each freckle on my face stands for what I will become.
The scars are the words that my wondering mind holds.
I am not defined by the way I look.
I am not defined by what you say about me.
The whispers of your gossip only push me to prove you wrong.
The nature of your evil words are what planted the Garden of Eden.
I am not defined by what you say about me.
I am more than a dictionary definition.
No word can capture the esence of my character that makes me different.
An adjetive does not do me justice, nor does it shred my true being down to the bone.
I am more than a dictionary defintion.
I am more than my depression.
The connotation of this word is simply a misunderstood stigma.
My mind was in a battle against itself and love won.
I am more than my depression.
I am overcoming the odds.
I have wheels turning in my head about this strange world.
I like to see it as beautiful because I know how the negative thoughts alter the mind.
I am overcoming the odds.
I am standing up for what is right.
In today's society, words are the number one murderer.
But they have rescued me from the dark alley at midnight and become my safe place.
I am standing up for what is right.
I am one girl.
I will no longer hide behind my illness and let it win.
I will stand up for those who can no longer and raise their spirits from the grave.
I am one girl.