I Am The Fall
I am the fall, the fall, dear Eve
He knew, knew he did that we would leave
Alone. Alone among the trees and hanging heads like melons
Silent, dear silence! We have set the pattern, of the world, don’t grieve!
Prepare your ears, for his heart splits loudly, aggrieve
You dear intelligence, and me, the infection, beloved felons
The garden is a hedge maze, and the fruit leads the way
Disconnected, from life and death, in this we will stay
Children, they are death. They are the reincarnation
Here in this nest, back to back we will lay
In the womb, in dark tunnels to play
On the seed, water reaches stagnation
Drowning, Wiggling larva will grow
Perfect, now defect
Infected, we are connected
Drowning, They were there, in the apple they stow
Truly naked, The children leave the nest
The lower brain, all the same
The interlaced, toxic waste
Truly naked, we are at our best