I am blue
I am a lover of many things that don’t involve a curtain.
I am a lover of books, lots of them, lots of genres.
I am a lover of football. Not the American kind, but the rest of the world kind.
I hold a huge load of wanderlust. None involve exploring the behinds of a curtain.
I am interested in Psychology. Specifically perception.
Popular with English Professors near and far, I hold the word dear to my heart.
What started out as something powerful, resulted in something dangerous.
Is the curtain just blue or does it signify the depth of the ocean?
I am a lover of things that can be solved.
To be afraid, or to pretend is an act of cowardice.
All of which involve a curtain.
But to be proud and present is an act of dauntless.
I am a lover of present things.
Things that you can see, feel, touch or smell.
These are the things that restore my faith.
I am a strong believer in pride and honesty.
None of which involve a curtain, because I am just blue.
Nothing more. Nothing less. I am true.