I AM awesome
I AM positive
when it seems that the glass of life has shattered completely
When the weight of the world is on my shoulders and someone always seems to need me
I AM motivated
because life is full of opportunity
Despite the negative comments and perception of always being placed under authoritative scrutiny
YOU ARE awesome
YOU ARE supportive
of your friends and family no matter the circumstance
Regardless of the fact that when you need a helping hand you don’t stand a chance
YOU ARE influential
to every single person who surrounds you whether you realize it or not
Denial is the enemy’s number one tactic of self defense, especially when you rise to the top
LIFE IS awesome
LIFE IS unpredictable
a recurring cycle of blessings in disguise
Making us stronger, giving our purpose for the tears shed from our cries
LIFE IS a beautiful experience
full of everlasting memories perceived by you
That no one can destroy unless you give them the power to
I, you, life, WE are awesome