I am Alive
I am a living computer
I survive on electricity
I read sound waves and light waves
I have motion sensors, proximity sensors, and heat sensors installed
I can analyze chemicals, airborne and otherwise
I am held together by wires
They connect all my sensors
Make me a functional machine
And yet...there's more
So much more that a simple machine does not have
Emotion: I cannot live without emotion
Sighs and tears and laughter and love
I would not be the same without them
It would be easy to lie, to kill, to bleed, without them
But it is not
I cannot without the pain
Pain is what makes us real
Without consciousness, we feel no pain
We trudge through life
No cares, no worries, no smiles, no pain
Nothing to keep us coming Home, to the same materials, same machines, day after day
And what is a day but the movement of a line around a circle
Time is nothing but a number
Light and dark are nothing
Sunsets and sunrises; no one cares
But I care
Because I am more than a ticking machine
I am Alive