I am
i am from basketball from yelling coaches and sweat filled jerseys I am from the hard working blocks decent houses, expensive cars, polluted airI am from the giant trees the smell of new cut grass on the sidewalks I am from large christmas parties and enormous amounts of food from Guydia and Mekesha I’m from the long nights of staying up all night while family is around and the cooking all night, the day before a holidaysfrom cleaning my room and do your homeworkI’m from stand up for yourself no matter what If someone bothers you, stand up for yourself and never allow them to bully youIn my head, there were pictures of dreams and fears long scary nights, of trying to cope with my flaws but motivating & re-dedicating myself past that and not stopping til i feel happyI am from Detroit where so many people settle for the block and become drug addicts i refuse to be in that place and i promise myself, that i will make my dreams come true.