I’m hungry
I’m always hungry
Blame it on what you want but it’s just biology
Humans, just like any other mammal,
Need to keep their blood glucose levels stable
The way to do that is to eat little things all day
I’d rather eat BIG meals all day
Or nothing at all
I’m always hungry because i’m never full
I’m missing something
Be it protein or carbohydrates or lipids
Or you
I’d consume you if I could
You’d make me strong
And satisfied
You’d fill me up
I know you could
Why play with food when there’s you?
You’re the sustenance I need to survive
I’m starving without you
Wasting away
I’m aching with famine
My legs quake when I see you
For fear that I will hunt you down
Before anyone can stop me
You’d be perfect
Other people don’t sustain me like you would
I’ll look for more as I’m feasting on them
Not with you
With you I could stop
I could rest
I could smile
With you I’m sure I’d be full
Surely balance will soon follow
Because why else should we eat?
We eat to survive
And I would thrive with you