How writing a love poem usually goes for me.
A tribute to those who have mastered writing the love poem, sans the cheesiness.
(And a 'you go girl' to those, like myself, who are still working on it.)
If there were as many ways to love you, as there are fusions on the sun,- ah well, that might be too hot of a topic for some of the younger audiences here.
Let me rephrase.
If I could kiss you as deeply as the river runs, as deep as- actually, I don't want to get too deep, I'm not looking to get too philosophical here.
Let me reiterate.
Hours go by, and I think of you- OH MY GOD, I MISSED A U. Great, now it's not hours going by, it sounds like Ho-
Hold up, hold up, let me try again.
I wish I could wrap up your smile, your grace, and your freckles in a package, I wish I could wrap up- wait, how do I wrap this up? I need to finish this.
I guess what I'm trying to say, with my less than A grade love poems, is that I think you're okay.
In the best way okay can be.
I love you, it's true, and I hope that that's okay with you.