How to tell the boy in your math class that you love him
I can't seem to make you understand
So I'll put it in simple terms:
Like x and y
I can't function without you.
And all the little things I like about you,
They add up.
The way you laugh,
It makes me feel whole.
Like 1, 2 and 3.
I've counted all the ways
I could tell you how I feel.
But I've come up with no solution.
It's embarrassing, really
I'm better with numbers
Than I am with people.
But, I'm pushing through.
I'm determined to get my message out.
I know you'll understand me when I say:
Though my words may seem extraneous
My feelings were instantaneous
I just need a sine--
Won't you please be mine?
The girl sitting in the back, third row from the left