How Flawless am i?
I am who I am and not who anyone wants me to be. God has thought me up to a young woman and not just a lady. The way I look from my head to my feet, or as I snap my fingers to a beat, but sometimes I am off key. How Flawless am I?
Boys, Boys, Boys want to whisper in my ear, but fear makes them hesitate to take on those actions because as they can tell, they're “flawmore” rather than flawless. Flaws being for them is treating a young women with the utter most disrespect than treating her with grace and kindness. I choose not to take a stroll down that road, which makes me a higher thinker. Which makes me a girl that knows the tricks to the trade. How flawless am I?
I ride around in that flawless because I woke up like this, as Beyoncé would say, and she's right. I did not wake up looking and acting like someone else, I woke up with the same face and mindset that I had yesterday as well as two months ago. Mama ain't raise no fool and on that note, I believe that I have no flaws on this subject. How flawless am I?
I have beauty inside and out and a lifestyle that shows that. The genes that flow through my blood, which is carrying the oxygen into my lungs, allows me to smile and be happy for as long as I live because I’ve always known who I am, and it is up to me to decide who I am destine to be, yet it is not a matter of where I come from, it is where I plan to go. Strong head above my shoulders right? How flawless am I?
Flawless means to have no flaws, but don't we all? I am Favored and Loved and sometimes Awkward and Weird yet Lovely and Exquisite and Shapely while being Secure, or Just F.L.A.W.L.E.S.S. I admit I have tried in the past to find who I really am and I’ve been thinking about my critics who question my actions constantly, wondering why I do the things that I do and no, it is not just for vanity, but it is me being me! I am my own person and the way I dress and where I stand in society shouldn't be anyone’s concern if there is negative feedback. I love me and like me, which shows how flawless I am. How flawless am I? To answer the question, very in the eyes of the beholder.