you call out my name
Honey Honey
but that's not my name
You say Honey when you need something
You say honey to trick me
You say it to make me your's
When I'm low you kick me
When I'm high you drag me down
but when I'm gone you're empty
Honey Honey
Honey honey
you call out my name
but i can't hear you
for I have foresaken that name
you say it time and time again
but no matter how many times it has been said
no matter how much I desire that name to go away
it has been a burden to my brain
Honey Honey
How could you
Honey Honey
What did I do
For you have harmed me
But i have done nothing but loved you
Honey Honey
What am i supposed to do
for you once were my everything
but now your my main enemy.