Home Sweet Home
I want to be home
This is normal
It is highschool after all
No one likes school
Teacher, students, principals it really doesn't matter
If you are involved with school on a semi regular basis u hate it
( And if u do happen to live in a life that I so beyond good that you actually like school go fuck yourself, its not personal it's not that I hate you or anything it's just you know… go fuck yourself)
Anyway we've established the normalcy in this want to be home
But the amount
The amount of how much I want to be home
That… that right there is what gets me
I want to be home so bad it eats me
Have u ever wanted something so much it hurts
But that isn't most of my pain
Most of my pain comes from the everyone
The everyone are everywhere all the time
That's what hurts the most
The feeling of them everywhere
The feeling Im doing something wrong everywhere
The feeling that I'm doing everything wrong everywhere in front of everyone
This that curfuffle of a sentence right back there that feeling is what hurts the most
This hurt is what makes me want to be home so bad
At this point of hurt it's not a want to be home
Its a need
I need to be home right now
I can't be here
get me home