Hold my Heart
Oh hold my Heart ,Hold it near ,never ever let it fear,
For if it fears ,then it will cry ,But you never ever hold it so near ,
Why is that Dear?Do you remember all the Tears that Sear on my Heart ,oh Dear?
For I was in fear to be apart and far away, but you have made it very clear that day,
Oh my, Oh my ,look at what you done ,
Oh hold my heart dear ,hold it near
But if it fears ,then it will cry because it cares ,
Oh, Oh how I held your heart so near ,made sure that it would never tear ,But did you care?
Oh Cry, Cry ,say you care, but you were never there my dear,
For I do not Fear ,because you do not care ,my dear
Oh, Oh hold your own heart and trust me I know it will tear because you never care,
For mine will be safe and sound because it never ever will fear my Dear