His Prized Creation's Purpose
There was nothing and He spoke "Light!"
He called it day and darkness night.
He spoke the waters into existence
Gathering all of it from a distance.
He made the seas, dry ground, and its vegetation
But that wasn’t all of His creation.
He made the sun, moon, and stars for the sky
Creatures for land, sea, and some made to fly.
They were all good, but He wasn’t finished yet.
There was a distinguished creation, which wasn’t spoken into being
It was formed with the ingredients of dirt and God’s anointed breathing.
His breath, the life of man, circulated the human.
Man needed a helpmate, so from his rib came woman
They became one and begat the rest of mankind
I am one of them, which blows my mind.
God thought about me before I was born
He knew me before I was formed
I am His beloved creation.
His art piece and fabrication
Made in the likeness of God the maker
to bring pleasure to Him, the Creator.
I could’ve been an atom or a subatomic particle
I could’ve been the ink inscribed for an article
I could’ve been a bird chirping along
But no, I sing an even greater song
I’ll sing and shout for each one of us
We’ve got a significant purpose!
The purpose of the human creation
Is not just to get an education
To survive on earth’s planet
through working and being fed.
Our purpose is much greater.
It’s to work for God’s pleasure
And love Him without measure.
It’s to know the Creator
And become like the maker.
I could’ve been a slug who’s goal was to crawl
Even if it took all day to reach the top of a wall.
I could’ve been a stream glistening as the sun gazed upon it
But no, I’ve got the Light of the World within keeping me lit
saying, "God’s light can shine through brighter
than any sun gazing on water."
I could’ve been, but ..I was not
I am His prized creation whom He bought.
Yes, I am God’s treasured creation
His art piece and complex invention
Made with the purpose to work for His pleasure
And love Him without measure.