hello, are you the one who’s gone astray?
are you where you need to be?
have you talked with Him today?
no? so, why talk with me?
so you think i can fix you?
i mean, i can try.
there’s not much i can really do.
i don’t get why you want me. just why?
is it that i lessen your pain?
do i numb the isolation?
strain, strain, and more strain
is all that i gain from this flirtation.
was that unkind?
i guess that’s not completely true
maybe i shouldn't speak my mind,
at least, not while i’m with you.
i forget about these burdens i feel
when we’re having so much fun.
i forget, but they’re real,
and the doubts have only just begun.
i’ve told you once before,
i don’t think i can fix you,
but i know He can for sure.
He’s fixing me too.
He loves you, i’m sure.
much more than i.
He and i have been talking more.
He’s asking me to say goodbye.
i will do what He asks
even if it makes me cry.
i don’t expect you to understand,
even i have been asking why.
i ask Him for comprehension.
He tells me, “that will come, but slow.”
you are under grave misapprehension.
how dare you think that i was asking Him for a lighter load.
slowly, He’s showing me why i had to say goodbye to you.
i’ve been asking Him and asking and i continue ask.
i understand now, and the truth i do truly rue,
that, when with you, i was not me. i was you.
even now that i have said goodbye,
you hold on. to me. to us.
you hold on.
and continue to make me cry.
all this time we’ve been talking,
i’ve been pouring into you.
i spend my days sleepwalking,
because i’ve forgotten who to look to.
i look to Him now.
not only does He show me his perfect love everyday,
but also who i am; i have made a vow.
i try and fail to keep it in every way.
i look to Him now.