Short brown hair - sometimes curly, spikey, messy
Green eyes - glistening, full of love and joy, always looking at me
Attentive Ears - curious, always listening, always wide open
Sweet lips - giving comforting kisses when I’m feeling broken
Soothing voice - relaxing, gentle whispers, always singing songs
Honest Tongue - never telling a lie, bitten when he knows he’s wrong
Charming smile - bright, contagious, something he’ll always wear
Long Arms - best giver of hugs, holding me tight - forever I’ll stay there
Big Hands - helpful, gentle, carrying me along
Powerful Legs - supportive, quick to run to me when things go wrong
Strong Body - big built, tall, warm (with a really cute bum)
Loving Personality - selfless, considerate, sweet as a sugar plum
Works hard as one can to support those he loves
Is innocent, peaceful - like dozens of doves
Shows his love in the purest, cutest form
Stays with me during and after the storm
Beats the crud out of anyone who hurts his beloved
Will do anything for them, even behave coldblooded
Always bakes lots of yummy treats for him and myself
Shows he’s proud of his kids, puts their accomplishments on the shelf
Came from a terrible place, without a family - all alone
Now finally has somewhere to really call home
Is kind, brave, protective - perfect to me in every way
Has made me feel special ever since we met that day
I’d be lost
Without Him,
Without His lovey-dove
He Loves me,
And Him,
My CupCake,
He is the one I love