High Speeds
Dreams consist of the moments you experience between the setting sun and the rising stars
A shining moon accompanies you in this journey
Fast cars roam the streets and swarm the night
High speeds..
Bright lights protect you from the darkness that lies in the far regions of your mind
Cityscapes provide you with a barrier from reverie and the reality that awaits
Chasing men that chase skirts, consider all the women that inquire that that is all that they are worth
High speeds..
Breath that fresh air that only lasts as long as this luxury exists
It only continues if you reminisce on the past and look forward to the future
Carry the ambition that grows in your heart
Stay alive as long as there are bright lights to stop the hunt
High speeds..
The hunter seeks its prey and waits in the shadows
It lets you believe and it lets you have a moment of reprieve from this dying soul of yours
It lingers like the stalkers that prowl
It lingers like the tiger in the grass
High speeds..
Life is catching up to you and those high needs
Those vain thoughts that time has brought time and time again
The liquor shots you take and the opportunities you put on the line
You put everything that IS at stake
For the chance to see yourself in a different light
You want to see from another perspective
Another view
Another time
Another place
Those high speeds have you in the clouds and no one can take that from you
No one can bring you down until you open those bright lights
Those closed eyes that hid all of this pain
That hid their true purpose and emotion behind the walls of rain
Follow those bright lights
Illuminate those dark nights
Appreciate the right time
This is your time to shine
Run past that red light
Ignore that green sign
Crash at those high speeds
Get rid of those high needs
Let go before it takes a hold of you