Her Story
America, a country baptized in blood and built on the backs of those who wouldn't know the freedom she promised until far after her completion.
America, a country that defied standards and rose from the ashes when they tried to burn you to nonexistance.
America, a country that almost tore itself apart over the debate of if slaves are humans.
America, a country that freed her own while making new chains.
America, a country that offered refuge to those seeking it by a giant statue standing in the harbor and protecting those who pass.
America, a country that wanted to revoke that offer of refuge.
America, a country that crawled itself in and out of a devastating depression.
America, a country that bonded together to fight an evil unseen by the world until then.
America, a country that experienced economic prosperity on the rocky foundation of social unrest.
America, a country where people fought and fight to be treated as equals in this liberated land.
America, a country where anyone can be president.
America, a country where anyone can be president.
America, a country that I am, and will be, proud to call home; even if she's not proud to have me.
America, a country that I'm not afraid to criticize harshly because I want her to be better.
America, a country that has values that I will fight for until I draw my last breath.
America, a country that I love, and a country I want to fix.