Her Perfection
From the smoothness
As I gently run my fingers along your skin
Your simple touch is what guides me
Motivating me to be more
Such a dream like this to be as vivid
Would be a dream come true
With that beautiful aura that seemingly glows
Around your blissfully angelic being
I want to see the aurora borealis
Try to amount to what magnified light you have
Shine for me
Caress me within your silvery wings
Show me that this is worth it
And in the end move me
From every moment spent with you
Makes me stronger in love
Than the pounding of our hearts
Hope, is all but a mystery waiting to be solved
Yet, willing to be deemed known
Incorporate just what notion
Lies beyond the infinite
To infinity and beyond
Is even less than you.
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Ok, first of all, how'd you get the text to look different ?
Second, this poem moved me. While reading it I was able to imagine some scenes here and there. Keep doing what you do.
This is Beautiful.
Da**. Super romantic. structure seemed impeccably fluent, maybe until the from, where i wondered was it supposed to be for. But the imagery and the captivation *sniff* (Im going to go eat ice cream and cry about my problems now)