In a Heartbeat
In a Heartbeat
Dermal contact like
the strike of a match
sending a river of ions
down my bundle of His.
The bed creaks like
The words “I love you”
Forcing through the gap
Between vocal cords.
Both vena cava pour
the contents of my
loneliness directly into
my right atrium like a
sewage drain filled with tears.
Once perpendicular
With your indian style posture,
Your vertebrae angles towards me
As you lean forward.
The parting of lips
Grants access to your mouth
Like a tricuspid valve allowing
Disdain and hopelessness to
Enter the second chamber.
Your saliva fuels an exchange
Like the trade of neurotransmitters
Over a synapse.
My right ventricle implodes.
Wasted time and oxytocin
Rush through my pulmonary artery
And into my lungs.
Where the air from
Your exhale breaths
New life into mine.