Healing/ Letter to my brothers killers
Healing ( Performance attached as thumbnail)
Hi my names Michelle Garcia
Im 18
I've written this a 100 times
And this is probably gonna be one of the hardest things I do
You killed my brother on June 22 2013
It was the day of my 8th grade graduation
My brother helped pick out my dress
He said I was gonna look beautiful in it
I want to know your favorite color
My brothers favorite color was red
Red like
Our grandmothers rosary
Like The flowers he brought me on my birthday
Like the ones I put on his grave
I want to know what you wanted to be when you grew up
If i could be anything
Id probably be a full clip
Like what if I was there that day
and I emptied it ,Before you could empty it in him
Would you still reload it
Would you aim for me instead
I see you in the bottom of every barrel
behind every trigger that hasn't been pulled
Yet fires off in my head
Does it ever make your melanin melt
My sister said she'd watch you burn
And I held her as she caught flames
I told her God's arms are endless fire escapes
But for the days my 3rd degree burns bind me to bed
I ask god to give you smoke alarm lungs
And fire extinguished laughter
Did you hold your mom before the cops came
I didn't hold my mother at the wake
I wrote a poem instead
I said it'd save me when she couldn't
When i wanted to hear my brothers laughter on my birthday
I'm sorry that I talk so much
My brother says or said I never shut up
But are you starting to forget his face too
Does it blur like looking through beer bottles
Are you numb yet too
Like if you could bring 3 things to a deserted island what would they be
I`d bring water, matches, and vapor rub
That shit heals everything
I heard healing begins whenever you're ready
Mondays still feel like his open casket
And our open wounds
Like how cold my head felt on his chest when I wanted to hold me for the last time
Do you remember the last time you held your sister in your arms
Did she cry like I do
Do you cry
Is it true we only mourn the ones we know
But if love heals everything then i'm ready to scab all over
Im hoping the more I say it the easier it`ll get
My name is Michelle Garcia
His name was Felix Garcia Junior
He would have been 25 years old this year
I don't know if I've written this letter for you or for me a 100 times
Forgiving You is the hardest thing i`ll ever do
But Jael Romero I pray you whole again
I'm ready to begin healing