The Healing Capabilities of Netflix
Walk down a street in Center City
And you’ll find a homeless man
Who still smiles for the oxygen in his lungs.
At the end of that block
There’s a really good burger place
With crispy fries
There’s a really good pastry place
With sweet pies
There’s a really good Mexican place
With hot guys.
How about a high five for options?
Sadness called me the other day,
But I was out with a friend,
So I let him get voicemail.
Don't ever doubt the healing capabilities of Netflix.
Binge watch to get over breakups.
Korean dramas entice me
And I am reminded of the beauty of subtitles.
Subtitles ensure that films transcend cultures.
Netflix ensures that I don't feel alone.
There's a genre for everyone.
Drama and Mystery
Romantic comedy.
If we laughed as hard as we cry sometimes
We would break our voice boxes
But at least we'd be smiling.
Sadness called the other day
But I lost my voice,
So I let him get voicemail.
Your feet hurt because you step on them too much getting tripped up on negativity,
Your arms hurt because you're so busy carrying burdens that you forgot to eat,
Your lungs hurt because you breathe only to get rid of stress and not to just let the air inside you remind you how lucky you are to have bad days
Because you wouldn't know what a bad day was
If you had never had a good day.
Sadness called the other day,
And I finally answered
To tell him to take a vacation.