Head in the Clouds
The real version of me isn't told through stories,
or through history,
or through culture.
I am me,
these things do not define me.
I am lost,
Forever stuck my head in the clouds.
I am lost
In the countless fantasies and daydreams I ensnare myself into.
Outside of these four walls
I am nothing,
I don't know who I am.
All I do know is my hopes and dreams.
Will they become a reality?
I may never know.
I define myself through these dreams,
through these hopes.
I define myself as a girl whose head has found their way into the clouds,
Never to come back down.
When I struggle to find a definition,
my mind drifts back to clouds where they belong.
Because that's what people like me do.
We dream, we hope, we imagine.
Never taking life too seriously,
Because when it's got us down,
We fly back home,
Home in the clouds.