When he came into my life
Everything changed like never before
I became someone I despised
I dressed differently
I stopped talking to the people around me
I even strayed away from my classes
His voice was captivating and pulled me in
We became one and the outside world disappeared
My wardrobe darkened and so did I
I accepted his darkness
Others were worried
But he didn’t care
He would just tear me down to nothing
As time went on we remained as one
Until one day I saw a glimmer of light
It called to me and I let go of his hand
I started to walk towards it and he got angry
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away
I didn’t fight and just stayed with him
But I wanted to find that light again
I slowly started to change back into myself
All he could do was watch in disbelief
He scolded me as I wore my normal clothes again
He stormed away when I would talk to other people
As I tried to slowly tear down the wall I had built
He would try to put it back together
He began to despise me as I did him
Some days he held me against my will
Some days I would break free
I didn’t want to tell anyone about him
I thought I was protecting myself
When I was really protecting him
When I finally spoke out
He was very upset with me
After bringing me to the lowest point I had ever been
I was ready to let go
I packed his bags kicked him out
He banged on the door to be let back in
I refused and started my search for that light
After some time I finally found it
And this time when I reached out
Someone pulled me in from the other side
When I look back
I still see him lingering there