Happy with Yourself?
For once I’m gonna stop you
I won’t let
Your grimy hands
Touch and tear that beautiful face
To put darkness
In the place of bright eyes
To take the glory of that smile
So put down the knife
Unclench your fists
Let go
Of the poor girl
Who is clinging
Clinging to hope
Hiding inside herself
So while you hurt her body
You can never break her soul
She hides deeper than is known to man
Deeper than you
A shallow man
Can ever attempt to reach
The depths to which she has gone
With her hope
Which is held dear
By her
But more so by me
That dear hope
Won’t let her out of the depths
She is afraid
Of you
Of the world in which you have placed her
The one you have created with your deeds
Are you satisfied?
It will take great strength
That you will never have
To get her out of there
She’s the stronger one
Still happy?