Happily Ever After
Once with her hair down
She sat and waited in her chambers
She listened for his tell tale footsteps
The sound of his horse
And she let him in through the window
Then together they created love
And locked it up and kept it to themselves
And they were happy
And she was happy
And at the end of the night
She let him out the window
And he said, “Good night”
And she smiled
But knew it wouldn’t be a good night
Because he wouldn’t be there
And she wouldn’t sleep
Because she never could when he was away
And he was always away
So she sat and waited as the hours passed
And the night dissolved into day
And the sun peaked through the night
Until the night covered the sun
And she heard his return
And she smiled with relief
Because now she could breathe
And he called to her and she let him in
And they smiled at each other
And exchanged pleasantries
But really he’d only come for one thing
And he told her so
And she said she understood
And he smiled as he unzipped her dress
And told her he loved her
But really he loved her body
But she pretended she believed him
And he pretended he cared
And he finished what he came to do
And left without cuddling her
But she was used to it
So she wasn’t surprised
And she repeated the cycle
Where she waited
And he lived
And she waited
For his return
And when he did, they mimicked love
And mass produced it
So it wasn’t unique
It wasn’t even special
And it didn’t matter
And then she realized,
That she wanted it to matter
And that she didn’t want to wait
And wait
For him to return
She wanted to live
So when he called to her that night
She made a promise to herself
That this was the last time
And when he left
She didn’t wait
But instead let herself down
And rode off into the night
And didn’t wait