Hank - You Only Write once Poetry Slam
Hank is my whole world,
He makes me laugh,
And sometimes he makes me cry.
He keeps me in the present,
He has taught me that you need to learn from your past
To prepare for the future,
But live in the moment,
Life can be dangerous if you don’t.
He has taught me many life lessons,
Especially how to be responsible and reasonable.
He has taught me it’s okay to get upset,
But never okay to take frustrations out on each other.
He has taught me to never give up,
To always search for an answer.
When I get stressed,
He takes me away to a far away place,
Where it’s just us.
We play in the wind,
And climb mountains.
We work together,
Always together.
He convinces me to get out of bed every morning,
And makes me thankful to crawl into it each night.
In my darkest hours,
He carries me on his back,
Always careful to keep moving forward.
When you lose that forward motion,
You lose opportunity.
He knows this.
He’s my best friend,
My partner,
My child,
And my life.
He's my horse.