The Gypsy Woman
They see me
In the corner
Of the streets
They hear me
Dancing to the
Tambourine I hold
They know me
Charming with my
Snake slithers
They brand me
With iron, red
As a whore
Yet I'll dance
To the tambourine
That's been my gift
I'll live in
The corner of
The streets,
For the tambourine
Has much more
Pleasant sounds
Than the bongos
They dance
Whorefully with
I'll dance and slither
As a snake, for
Soft in their
Fur, have the
Sharpest fangs
I'll make this
Corner, my humble
For the tombs
They live in are
Infested with worms
I'll drink my
Wine, for it is
Much more sweet
Than the sour
Grapes they
Toast with to
I have a tambourine
And although it
Disrupts their ears,
I'll dance, for it is
My dance, and my dance
Alone, and frankly,
I genuinely don't care.