LET GO!!! yells my brain
my heart still just hangs on to that one little strings
my hands left with tears and blood dripping from the wounds
but still I clinge tightly
still I think I can make it better
still I say NO
these wounds will heal
these blood cleans up
I want her to know that I never gave up
I was here all along
in the dark and the gray
I was here in the silence as she tried to slip away
I was here when she thought the world was passing her by
I was here as she sat in her shower and cried
I watched as the tears stained her face
I sat there holding her in a silent embrace
It is not the final hour, it is just this part that is over
but still she tried to end it
and still I tried to contend with it
I prayed with every fiber, with ever breath with my very soul
Just please let her see even the faintest glimmer below
Let her feel your love through me Lord
Help me as I hold her up
Let her see the sun rise
Let her fill her cup
I will walk her blood stained body up the aisle of this life
I will help her see the truth and love within your light
I will be her guardian angel, every child of God deserves one
Please oh please just let her know she has too has been chosen.