I hadn’t realized I had grown.
I feel mostly the same.
I look mostly the same.
But I think something has changed.
The night before I left,
I stained my pillow with tears.
The fear of growing up was far too much to bare.
When I got to my room it was small and barren.
I was so overwhelmed of where I would put all my things,
How I would survive without my parents, without my friends.
On my first day, I put in my earbuds to drown my expeditious beating heart.
I left the safety of my room, to arrive at math 105 twenty minutes early.
I sat, anxiously waiting for the day to begin.
It wasn’t so bad.
Each time I sat in a class minutes too early,
It all began to feel familiar.
I have done this before, and I can do this again. I tell myself.
After all, it is just a class, and I have taken plenty of those.
With each passing day it became easier.
I made friends that helped me fill my free time.
I actually understood my homework.
And I really began to believe I could make it.
When I came home everything was the same.
But different.
Time here had gone on without me.
I felt different. I looked different.
I have become an independent being and all the things I knew are now alien.
I sit at my old job eagerly waiting for the minutes to pass by.
So that in time, I can go home and enjoy my time with my family.
Because when summers end,
That means it’s time to go back and grow some more.