To the Grander Things in Life
I try
to smell those roses
large and small
apparent and hidden
against those who whine to march onwards
towards Babel's tower
And the truth is
after I smell
I will
follow them
up towards that tower
towards accomplishment and ambition and drive and 'success'
sure the flowers are nice
but I can't stay there forever
nor do I want to
would the flowers lose their luster?
are flowers the only joy in my life?
I'm not sure yet.
And I'm not sure if I'll ever be.
I'm just unsure.
And in a way being unsure makes life
a little bit more mysterious
a bit more interesting
it's true colors will never appear for me
but I'm not blind to the limited flashes I do see.
In my limitations there is beauty.
In the coverage of black...
are the strokes of right...
and that makes life awesome.