the good guys, or, i wanted to destroy time one night
there's a good fairy who goes around at night,
turning off all the alarm clocks.
if everyone wakes late, then no one can get
distraught or stressed or worried or tired.
people don't want to thank this good fairy
on the grounds of responsibility or moral obligation
(they think time is important to function)
but everyone is grateful, at least once, in their sleep.
(time is less necessary than they believe it to be.)
this fairy works for the gentlemen
who put grandfather clocks to sleep.
the clocks have outstayed their welcome, and
take up valuable space that could be used for something productive,
like a window.
most of the time, no one notices when
the grandfather clocks go silent.
there are children working also, to
decimate wristwatches.
some people have separation anxieties with time
and these children ensure that
the unhealthy people who support wristwatches
have other things to do with their hands
than turn them over and worry about time.
a special force has been recruited to
demolish big ben.
he is visible across london
just in case someone managed to escape from the influence
of alarm clocks and grandfather clocks and wristwatches.
this special force is aware of the minor withdrawals that
people will endure
for an ultimately healthy lifestyle
free from worry and exhaustion
because the good fairy did an excellent job
of going around at night
turning off all the alarm clocks.