Mother me?
Can’t I be something other than thee?
Can’t my branches grow?
Ever which way to and fro?
And be as beautiful as long Hair?
Long, free, loose and Fair?
Is it normal for a tree to be so straight?
A choice only you claim, for my fate
To re-phrase, re-make, re-grow, Re-break
Douse my in guilt for my own sake!
Am I nothing but, a beautiful empty flower?
That your rain forces grow by shower?
Does not help only drowns my leaves in holy water impure
Crack, I break to juvenile lure.
Holy water in god’s bless
Has taught me how to speak and dress
My branch broke and bounded mess
What does a matter give for a tree
A tree like me
My words Low?
My mother, Forces My grow
Who help my branches straight by rod
Dare I say, My mother…Plays God