Glow to Grow
Childhood has begun to fade; finding your purpose is the aim. The pieces of life spread apart like trinkets of a game. Glow until you grow or until growing causes glowing. Beginning higher education challenges everything you know.Questioning the person who society has began to mold .Interest become scarce and confusion becomes plenty .The path has started to seem muddied and soon you’ve lost your way.You never thought the most important thing in your life would become an “A”.Not an A in the grade book per say but the “A” in Ambition .The necessity of academic success begins with the word above. Ambition stems from a predisposed expression of love .Passion gives determination a vital shove in the right direction .You ask yourself should you give up following every indiscretion .A little voice squeals in your ear and reminds you that failure feeds off of fear. So instead you use your shortcomings as ammunition .This is a shot between the eyes of your ambition .Close your eyes and imagine this.A background with a focus that always fits. Surrounding a light that you emit .Its an endearing image to say the least. College is the battle ground where knowledge and power meet. Now its time to take a step back and remember the training from the past. A match to light the flame of the frame that shapes your futures cast .