Glass Box
I am locked in a cell
Condemned by my own words
They have escaped me
They have guilted me
I am trapped in a glass box
Making it nearly impossible for anyone to see
See that I'm being poisoned by my own thoughts
It camuflages the emotions that daily look for an escape
My glass box doesn't protect
It's controlling
It's selfish
I find no escape
The unspoken words want to be said
They are forced into the black hole created by my mind
Scared into a decision they didn't want to make
They are pushed back by the thoughts of definite integrals and alkynes
My words fear escape
Their demands are ignored by THE MAN
They want to flee
They need to come out
They ask me for help
I can't
I forced them into a corner
I created the dictatorship inside my head
I put up the bars in my cell
Crystal brick by brick
I isolated my thoughts
They have no escape
They will stay trapped forever
And I will suffer in my glass box