Give up? Heck No!
So we're supposed to argue civily.
And when we cannot manage that,
Give up?
But what if we're in a debate,
Face to Face with our oponent.
Give up?
What if we are face to face with death in a hospital bed?
Battling for every breath as we fight for our lives!
Give up?
What if we fight to protect others lives?
Protect from Fires, Criminals, and Invading Armies.
Give up?
What if we fight invading armies for our freedoms,
Like the Patriots of old?
Give up?
Washington, and the thousands of soldiers under his command.
They fought the strongest army in the world.
Give up?
With all due respect, Mrs. Teacher,
If we gave up every time things got nasty,
We would not be alive today.
If we were we'd be drinking tea,
And having a Queen,
Or speaking German,
In a world Jew free.
I wouldn't be able to write this poem.
Or anything contrary,
To the ideas of the government,
Being rigid, and stationary.
If we give up,
We lose.
And losing can have very nasty consequences.
Just remember that the next time you say,
"Just be the bigger person, and say, I give Up!"