a gift at present
thAnk you for
coming back again
in my Life
for i missed
so you found
Anyone like me?
but for me
no Real friend
have i Met
so as you
were/are to be
a lIfe full
of loNe does
it goes on
to be so
I hope, you
reAd on and
on again too
Life's so chAnged
has Life become
lost have I
not an inch
have i moved
something is heRe
too short for
You hate essays
wish i, to
feel you tender
to touch your
sweet, coloured hands
eat your food
since you cook
i want to
taste your food
why not? yes
teach Me and
we could enjoy
cookIng together aNd
touch your silky
blAck hair and
Look At youR
ever seducing!? eyes
touch soft your
long bare neck
touch your now
white snowy back
sweating back there
rub those tears,
hear your voice
to say My
name and I
to hear from
you siNce the
words from you,
from you is
sweet, so sweet
to hear to
soft touch those
softy rose red
cheeks, lips and
see your smile
don't wAnt to
do any thing
Like this ,
but wAnt to
hold your hands
walk with you
play with you
dance with you
sing with you
talk with you
wanna hold you
be with you
and foR you
want to becoMe
old wIth you
duriNg times of
joys, Angers & sorrows
erase your tears
nothing wiLl hAppen
i guess so
you enchant me
i wish to
be with you
wish i to
live with you'R
sMIle, life is
short yet, but
whatever may be
you look youNger
ever and forever
Age does threatens
me to age
for you said
to remain quite
and not to
disturb you much
creativity got Lost.
nothing much hAve
i to give
or say, foR
also does distance
threatens just only
one wish, to
say happy birthday,
My lovely lavender
no more have
I words to
express as before
but do i
miss you my
darliNg, deAr _ife
for onLy In
dreAms can i
dReaM about you
Yet, but, and
stIll, iN wonders
About that too
miss you my
pearLy, mickey And
my naughty and
deaR Most .
not havINg the
heArt to stop
since i cannot
Live without you
Addicted am! baby?
signing off am
i until next
time we meet
if not in
eaRth then heaven
shall it be
where only you
and Me were
meant to be
made for each
other are we
meant to be?
may be2, IN
future this mAy
be prescribed as
a poetry study
do you think?
worthLess or worthwhile
to write this?
Awaited long did
i foR this
day so sweet
you inspire Me
say the truth
there's nothing lIke
you and me
tell me do
you feel it
true isN't it?
my birthday bAby
my Lovely cat
bye busy bee
in blAck suit
would you be
i guess so
you to be
my wingless angel
yet still i
thank you for
youR tiMe If
you have read
but as always
I miss you
my love for
you will Never
hAve an end
tiLl my deAth
soRry if this
hurts or gives
you old MemorIes
and sorry to
disturb you also
by the way
from an very
old unkNown stranger