The Ghost.
The pain starts internally.
Because you allow it verbally.
Will you let this last all of eternity?
Will you ever listen to me?
Its like youve never heard of me.
Do you hold no knowledge of my story?
Is that internal pain like the one in Germany?
Does he need the gas or is it willingly?
Cuts your heart open, he needs no anastesia for this surgery.
Have you looked into his story?
Have you read your own history?
Realize what they have fought for,
Realize if you are worth more?
When he hits you does it sting?
Do his yells cause your ears to ring?
Is it enough to have a bit of bread?
Or would you prefer a fridge full of food instead?
What do you want from this life?
Wouldnt you want to be a wife?
Acknowledge what Ive said..
Learn when its time to walk away with words unsaid.
Let this be of a lesson to the young women out there,
struggling to find some way to get ou of there.