That Genius Kid
Sitting in the class don’t know what you’re talking about
You finished the lesson and I am having to do the work Huh?
A boy nudge me to ask a questioned What?
But here he comes to the rescue his intelligence and wit clears
the air of confusion with a simple Yup! is what he says when
someone successfully decipher the teacher’s code
Gazing upon him in admiration Me! wanting to become like
him So I did something that I’d never thought doing
I dream to be his padawan so ask him to be my tutor of social studies
He looks a little troubled at first but he’s smile warm up as like
seeing me a test for himself Alright! but I won’t be too easy
his words excites me this is my time to become that smart kid
It was gruesome he wasn’t the least bit hesitate he taught as if he was
a scholar of history added with my own initiative his training
was yes intense but it he was kind
through the whole process In the last years of high school
I never seen so many straight A’s in my life
The instant I saw him I ran to him and yelling
96 and he simply he says Yup.