the game show effect
exhaustion is a tricky state of being
your mind has conversations with itself
debating over whether you have the energy to
take your father out to a dinner you can't afford
take two seconds to say goodnight to him
take out the trash when you get home
take a shower
take an ambien
take a couple more seconds to figure out
whether you're actually exhausted
take another ambien
and pass out
with your shoes halfway untied
this is america
we're practically hardwired to reach exhaustion
by the time we enter 5th grade
that's why 10 year olds are so evil now
but you don't have a ten year old
so you wake up the next morning
thank science for ambien
& get up to cook some eggs
but you've been too busy to remember
that eggs have an expiration date
just like milk
no cereal for you either
so the next best thing is to pretend you're not hungry
plop your ass on your shitty thrift store couch
and watch reruns of deal or no deal
because you just might crack a smile
at the sight of a middle aged man
falling to his knees after
making a fifty thousand dollar deal
that could cover his daughter's tuition
or his mother's medical bills
you probably even heard his joints crack
you probably even felt something for the first time in weeks
because you were rooting for that man
you convinced yourself that shouting "no deal” at the screen
sent him some luck
and that
right there
is good television
but you could've just adopted a puppy
or called your father to tell him you love him
if you wanted to remind yourself
that you can still be generous
but the magic of tv
is that you can get through an entire episode
of literally anything
than it would take for you to muster up the courage
to say "i love you, dad"
and now
you're going to keep watching that vapid game show
filled with people like you
people so tired of working soul sucking nine to five's
tired of upping their ambien dosage
tired of trying
people that think they need a game show
To feel like they can still win
because getting the price right
proving you’re smarter than a 5th grader
choosing the right briefcase
and spinning a wheel hard enough
is easier than falling in love
and raising your kids
it's easier to be exhausted
it doesn't matter how many pills you take
it doesn't matter how many channels you change
you'll still be spoon fed the same rerun
of what life is supposed to taste like
but success is another bully
manufactured by the same people
that sponsor the game shows
we watch when we can't sleep
the ones we watch when we can’t dream
when the only option left
is to be american
is to be a contestant