A Game Changer
Every introduction starts with a game:
A game where questions are asked and eyes are rolled.
People wonder how much money you make and what college you attend,
So that judgements can be formed and respect deserved can be gauged.
No one cares about your character.
No one cares about your views.
No one cares about what makes you you.
This mental hierarchy demotes those without status,
And it leaves society's human potential constricted.
Automatic confinement of the disadvantaged is the social norm,
but why exactly is that accepted?
It’s sickening to think that this game exists and that it had ever existed.
Has the world not progressed since the days of hate?
That is what has left me in anger and bewilderment.
My simple desire is for introductions to be about oneself and only oneself.
The concept seems so simple and obvious, and yet it is so scarce.
Maybe one day equality will be found in minds and not just external facades.
Until that day, we sit hear playing the game with player after player.