How should one describe the world?
Is it a dandy place with clouds and swirls?
Perhaps that's what children would say.
But adults know there's bills to pay.
We all say we should go green.
But who actually steps foot on the scene?
Is it sad that money is tearing us apart?
Or is it sad that employment had no heart?
One should look foward to the future.
Fear should be no question.
But as we grow older,
It is a feeling that is destined.
What is it that we can do?
Sadly not much at all.
But sit here, with bowed heads,
And watch economy fall.
Yet we still see smiles upon faces.
And that's what gives up hope.
There is a chance and a reason,
To not sit there and mope.
The future is upon us.
There is no way we can flee.
College, careers, family, bills,
It is all bittersweet.