I know no other feeling, i've experienced it deeply all my life.
Seeing the baby deer lost on David Attenborough is something I can easily
empathise with.
Frozen, petrified and all alone in the urban jungle are the traits i've become
accustomed too.
There is a barrier all around me, I feelt it, yet unable to see it. I
experience, it yet can't remove it from my terrified soul.
This island that is as huge as Oz is crushed to fit inside my bosom.
There are great distances and mountainous regions to cross.
Then the parched dessert that is surely to suck the marrow of life
out of me.
How can I cross this chasm to fill oneness once more, maybe
it just a dream.
I'm not sure I have the strength to face this perilous jounrey yet
I know I can't go back and surely can't stand in this chaos that
has become an every day occurence.
The optimism I once embraced has been sucked out of me
with this shit thing could life.
Despite my deep melancholy I neither have the courage or
tenacity for a quick exit.
I have been on my knees begging for strength many times
alas to no avail.
Somehow I have to scrape the pit of my being,
to gather the resolve,
to shatter this cage and live a full life.
Only time has taught me this is a hamster's wheel, Einstein's
definition of madness.
I go insane with frustration knowing
that I want to break free yet feel shackled by moments of the past.
I see symbols of greatness like Muhammed Ali, and the brains
of Musk and wish that was my effigy.