Behind this curtain I sleep in a restless state
Because everything is not okay
There is no sunshine or bees in the meadows
No clouds of warm weather
No sunflowers or roses
The grass isn’t even greener
in fact, it snows
Frozen from the center, branched out into its streams
Breaths of ice sickled daggers as she silently screams
Stiff as a board, she moves like water
She violently shivers as she gives hugs as warm as a blanket
Dark on the inside, she shines like a diamond
Only on the surface.
She craves to be by the fire
She yearns to thaw out
She longs to be warm from the inside out
But in a world so cold
She’ll only get close to a low chill
a cool breeze in the late autumn night
And every night I rest behind this curtain in a restless state
hoping to thaw out before it’s too late