A Friendship Real and True
Sweet and gentle is your manner Honest and kind reads your banner You're genuine and true Greater friends no one knew I am blessed beyond compare And have no better people elsewhere You gave me hope when I had all but lost it You put up with my every fit I threw them a lot and yes This kind of thing I do need to address But for now all I can say Is that I am grateful for each and every day That I have with you Because no one else can be as true You have a soul that endures a lot of junk And yet you are just so full of spunk You have big hearts Your beauty and smiles included in a museum of arts You are selfless beyond measure Even when under gobs of pressure You give and forgive Everyday that you live Without expecting anything back The things you do with love never lack This year has been hard in so many ways And yet you are the reason I got up most days I have been down and full of sorrow But you helped me believe there would be a tomorrow I lost faith in God more than once or twice Yet you guys reminded me of His wonderful size I had times when I doubted He was even real But you showed me that His love I can always feel I knew that times would come when the disbelief would settle in And yet you showed me that I can always win Any trouble I face and battle I fight I know that the end is in sight Because you gave me hope when I had none With you I know that I have already won The greatest friendship that one could ever have and cherish Is the one I have with you two that will never perish I know that times will be hard and you won't always be right here And yet I know in my heart you'll stay very near. You love me for me and that I rarely hear And just knowing that makes me shed a small joyful tear But not of sorrow and not of doubt Because with you most troubles I am without I now am by negative things spared Because I have two people who show me that they truly do care I know that things are going to be tough And that the journey of life is really rough However the feeling of happiness I feel when I'm around you Fills me with warmth through and through I am so lucky to have found real people like you Who love me and my weirdness too I know that most of the time I am annoying and talk too much And all it is, is such and such There are things I wish I could have done better And things I know would have been a better situation settler Like I said before you gave me a second chance at life And helped me through great amounts of trouble and strife I wouldn't be who I am without you and all you did Without your love and your support I would have just hid I did that most of the time And yet I sometimes felt like a mime However all I did was go through the motions Most of the time I let my life be run by my emotions But thanks to you I know that my future will be bright And that everything will eventually turn out just right I fell away from God but you helped me find the way again Now that is what I call a true friend I hope to have you as my friends for as long as God wills And every blessing that He instills I hope that you will never forget Just how much your friendship has meant I will never forget what happened this year And how you helped dry my every tear I am up and moving forward each morning Because you both have helped me with more than one caring warning I have found no one greater in all my years That was willing to stick with me and help me face all my fears You will never leave me and now this I know Because I finally realize that what you mean you show I am learning to discern when you're being serious and when you're pulling my leg And in your side sometimes I'm sure I seem like a wooden peg I am beginning to tell the difference and for that I am proud I can now sound more like you when I'm talking so loud I don't know if this stuff makes sense But that's what happens when I get a second chance I have found that putting my feelings into words of rhyme Gives me some memorable time I have the chance to tell you just what makes you so true And what I have to say to that is that you're just being you I hope we stay friends forever and I never lose sight Of the two who helped me finally find right MICHAELA HARTMAN 05.06.13 FRESHMAN YEAR