Freedom: A Dream or Reality?
"...and we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men were created equal..."
1776; It was a constitutional statement that society swore under the honor of god
But isn't it odd
That only white men, were the right men, to be licensed to have rights then?
It makes you wonder...were all men created equal? Or just white men period?
But on a note that's serious...
No radical changes or arrangements were put in place for African Americans
Until the 20th century
Even though they had rights
It was like a penitentiary
Restricting all their might
The concept far from elementary
They're far too bright
To know that even after a century
Of waiting with patience
And being told that things will be better evntually
Nothing will ever change...cause at the end of the day
Your skin is still night
And even with all rights...nothing will ever be All...right.