When I place
Paper and Pen in my space
My mind begins to pace
My heart begins to race.
I'm Free! I'm Free!
Thoughts flow
My pen begins to glow
With the truth.
Secrets fly out,
Reliving my doubt
Of hope for those
Whose constant pose
Proves them fake
And they just take.
But here they must
Pay the toll I entrust
The blood of their sin
The ink for my pen.
Without this time
Without my rhyme
The pain sits
And gives me fits
My pen is not
A weapon like you thought.
My creations are my out cry
To let out the pain to die
And yet you still look
At me as a crook
I steal none,
You gave me the smoking gun.
Truth is never black and white
Which is why it is I choose to write
To save my soul
And destroy your goal
Of bringing misery and hate
To the brink of my gate
I'm free! I'm free!
I have set myself free.
And now you see
The true image you project
Is it one you want to protect?
I'm free! I'm free!
It is all out,
Your sins and my doubt.