The Four-Year Marriage
Dear College,
I've heard a lot about you.
People say you're great, a real relationship,
so much better than high school.
But I'm scared.
Really scared.
I think my friends are too, but I can't really tell. I don't think it's possible to be more scared than I am.
Right now.
I'm flying nearly halfway across the country for you, so you better be worth it.
I'm leaving my mommy and daddy, my support system, my family.
Everyone says it's worth it.
"It's for the best."
I hope so.
I asked you to propose, so you did
and I said yes.
You're my ticket out,
but as soon as I mess up, it'll be stamped both ways.
'A teen once divorced', CNN will say.
I don't want to stay, but I don't want to leave.
You're my new home now.
My new support system.
At least for four years.
(If we're lucky.)
Please, be gentle.
It's my first time.
With love,