Four Little Years
Look around you in the hallways
in the classrooms in the streets
Same people,
same clothes every day in sync
In a world where nothing's different
it's easy to feel trapped
Where every belief is only stated
as a matter of fact
For four years,
it's all just exactly the same
The only choice is a sport,
but that's just part of the game
For four years you change
just to feel accepted
When inside you are craving
to be disconnected
High school is something
were forced to enjoy
When we go and we tolerate
while feeling annoyed
The people you're with
can't exactly make it better
They're only your friends
when you're not under the weather
Sometimes your high school friends
aren't as loyal as you think
You'll find you're only friends
because you see them 5 days a week
When the hallways are cleared
and finals are over
It's surprising to see
how many friendships suffer
Graduation is symbolic,
a passing of time
A chapter has finished
and everyone is fine
No real sad feeling
of departing the district
But rather a feeling
of relief and lack of restriction
You'll find you're more nostalgic
and much more creative
And that what your thought of high school
was completely over rated
You'll see that what were taught in high school
aren't exactly our interests
We just listen in class taking notes
while on Pinterest
No little kid ever dreams
of learning statistics
No little girl aspires
to major in physics
Why can't we have classes
that match with our passions
Like fighting off fires
or working in fashion
We dream of being president
as a little kid
But after high school we all know
how practical that is
It's all about lectures
and memorization
What happened to an exciting
public education
Being voted most likely to succeed
doesn't mean you will
Because having 500 followers
won't pay your bills
You can't put "prom queen"
on a job application
You can't talk about varsity sports
when figuring chemical equations
The way you're viewed in high school
won't matter in the future
It won't get you a job
or buy you a computer
Everything has flaws
and nobody is perfect
But can't we make high school
a little more worth it
Instead of just going
to get it all done
Why can't there be something
a little more fun
We spend more time at school
than our own homes
Our basic interaction
is over the phone
Let's teach students to be teachers
and let teachers lead the way
Because each and every student
will grow up some day
We won't have a counselor
to hold our hands
We'll have to move forward
even if we aren't a fan
So why teach slope formations
and basic notation
When all we need is to know how to
lead a nation
High school truly taught me that
If you're different you're weird
And that you're not considered cool
if your drug test is cleared
It shouldn't have been like that
because that's not the truth
The precedence of prom kings
have shown me the proof
I know that looks are fleeting
and material will fade
What matters are your values
and the passions your crave
What you persure will define you
over all
Not how much time you took
to do your hair for prom
Looking back on your life
those 4 small years might be a blur
So who really cares
if you go unheard
Do what you like
like what you do
Love like crazy
and live according to you
It's only 4 years
it's for you to waste
Feel free to explore
the choices you embrace
At the end of it all you'll find a passion that's true
Dont let those 4 little years
define you